Our October Sip Session took place at the Arbor Light Studio, where Mike Marques not only shoots photography but teaches other photographers how to push their own work and their own narrative. As visitors arrived at the studio, they were treated to stunning photographs of local photographers in a public gallery, personally curated by Mike.


“The common thread is there whether you know it or not, if you look back, you will find it” Mike Marques


As the Sip got under way, Mike walked us through a powerful project he was involved with over several years called, i am a MoSaic. i am a MoSaic is a collection of images portraying Connecticut’s many faces of multiple sclerosis that was a collaboration spanning years between Mike Marques and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Connecticut Chapter.

His Sip pushed us to find the common thread, the story behind the story, that if discovered and expressed could shift our perspective on something we think we understand so we can relate to it in a completely new way.


For many in the room, his project quite literally re-framed how they thought about Multiple Sclerosis and what life is like for those dealing with the condition. His beautifully honest work captured over 50 CT residents from all races, genders, and abilities and exists as a powerful example of pushing the narrative.


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