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Register nowJoin Sarah as she reveals bold techniques to access our own internal darkness as a transition into the light. Become better equipped to face the evil in our world and make changes that can eradicate it.
Many of us feel helpless when we see evil and the suffering it causes, because it resonates with pain that we hold deep inside of us. The anger and hate that we feel for other people, situations and things are truly a reflection of our own evil that we spend enormous amounts of energy repressing. But evil becomes defused when we recognize and claim our own.
Join Sarah as she reveals bold techniques to access our own internal darkness as a transition into the light. Become better equipped to face the evil in our world and make changes that can eradicate it.
About Sarah Laub
Sarah’s background includes cultural and medical anthropology, peace and conflict studies, and body-mind therapies for deep physical and emotional release and integration. She earned a masters degree in leadership studies lead by Mel Toomey and Al Bhatt, and has worked in Israel at The International Institute for Counterterrorism on a search for the answers to evil and light.
Sarah combines 20 years of knowledge and experience to help people break free from their inner terrorist in order to lead the best and most authentic lives they are called to live. As a Purpose Practiced Practitioner, Sarah believes that all the answers lie within us, and is committed to listening, and holding space for others to listen to hear their truth.
Bring an open mind and an open heart. And have a beverage on-hand to enjoy a virtual toast!
Wednesday, July 17, 2020
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
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