How do you stimulate transformative thinking and growth in a successful 106-year-old company? Exploration, innovation, and an abiding commitment to designing a re-invigorated future while honoring the past.

About Meyer

Meyer is a fourth-generation family owned and operated company. For over a century, Meyer has evolved and grown with the needs of the world. In 1915, it was launched as a single truck moving business. Today, Meyer is a logistics, storage, and workplace solutions company that’s investing in protecting and building their clients’ futures.  


Embracing Change

A successful history can make change seem risky. But in order to grow and ultimately perform beyond the benchmarks of what they had previously known to be possible, Meyer needed to foster a refreshed way of thinking about their business.  

On July 19, 2019, the Fathom team kicked off a comprehensive effort (using Fathom’s Transform process) with Meyer’s leadership team to create a fresh vision and strategy for the future, building upon the existing services to declare what business the company will be in moving forward.  


Our Approach

Working with Fathom energized the Meyer workforce and leadership team. Fathom helped craft a new organizational narrative, conceptualized a refresh of the Meyer brand, and gave the Meyer team a sense of excitement and momentum as it moves into its next chapter. Fathom brought a structured way of approaching this refreshed future, and this focus allowed Meyer to shift its previous thinking from operating as a moving and storage business, to one that is in the business of Shaping Futures 

“Having experienced the Fathom Transform process, we are all excited about the limitless future for Meyer,” commented Meyer CEO Mike Racette“This transformation goes way beyond our original goals — we have an all-new mindset and approach to the future where so much more is possible, fully equipped to protect and build our clients’ futures.” 

The Fathom Transform journey for Meyer included developing new service concepts and offerings, a new visual identity system and messaging for the Meyer brand, a totally new external website, a brand experience training program for the entire Meyer workforce, and helping facilitate a series of all-staff events to celebrate the company’s progress. 

Meyer Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Ted Kennedy added, “Working with the Fathom team gave us a chance to build upon and design a new future for Meyer. We were asked to think big … what if we had no limits? What would success look like then? Being encouraged toward bold thinking was both insightful and eye-opening. And Fathom were expert guides throughout the Transform process.” 

Lessons and Takeaways

  1. Purpose-driven organizations outperform all others.  
  2. Purpose helps organizations stand out and attract prospective employees and boosts the retention of those who are already part of the team. 
  3. Purpose helps increase customers’ loyalty to brands.  

 Bottom line? Purpose provides the mindset and motivation to create what’s needed in your business.  

“Helping a company with a century of experience to take a bold leap into the future was exhilarating. Meyer is not only equipped with the tools to truly meet all clients’ needs, but also now has an elevated mindset to continue to dream big as their bright future unfolds.” David Louden, Founding Partner at Fathom. 

Are you interested in redesigning your organization’s future?

For those with big ambitions for the future of your company, engaging with Fathom means partnering with a trusted and expert guide that will be there every step of the way, provoking and translating bold thinking into equally bold results. Let’s talk. 


About Meyer  

Headquartered in Stratford, CT and serving customers across the Northeast with key locations in Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey and Delaware, Meyer is a logistics, relocation and storage solutions company for organizations that require smart transformation of their spaces and assets. More information is available at MeyerInc.com. 


About Fathom 

Fathom works with leaders to create organizations that perform beyond the benchmarks of what they’ve previously known to be possible, beyond their history and their industry. Our clients engage us to ignite visionary thinking, energize vital relationships, launch critical initiatives and ultimately, to transform into thriving purpose-driven organizations. Find out more at fathom.net. 

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