This diverse community is invested in powerful conversations and meaningful connections to help shape the world to be one that prioritizes more humanity, generosity and purpose.

We are committed to establishing relationships focused on personal growth and acting to support the people and communities that are left out and suffering the most.

Our Intention…  To invite, sponsor and become an accomplice to the vision held by the generation that will inherit the earth.

How?… through Conversation, Collaboration and Action.

The Connext Exchange will kick off its first event on Zoom at 11:30 – 12:30 on Thursday, Sept. 10. Lead by Rebecca Desjardins, this conversation will invite you to consider your sphere of influence and its role in sparking action.

Following the guided discussion, participants may stay for an additional 30 minutes for “open chat.”

Conversations will continue to be held at 11:30-12:30 every Thursday.

Zoom Login Info:

To learn more about Connext Exchange, visit:

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