But it’s in between those extremes where things get more subtle, and where we can risk getting lost in the nature of the conversations we are in and impact this has on others. 

Come to the January Sip Session prepared to explore the nature and power of conversation. And through the experience, elevate your awareness of the power you have to choose conversations with more intention. Finally, learn how you can provoke more conversations that challenge the status quo, generate solutions, and instigate action. Conversations that invite family, friends, community and society into bigger versions of themselves. Join us on the 20th as Sip Session creator, Brent Robertson, leads us through this one-of-a-kind experience.  

About Brent Robertson, Co-Founder of Fathom – Creator of Purpose Practiced

Brent works with leaders to design futures worth believing in™. A partner at Fathom, he champions an approach to strategic planning, leadership development, talent engagement, and market differentiation that prioritizes people and relationships. As a result, his clients don’t simply plan their futures, they bring them to life through the energy of organization-wide involvement in, and commitment to, generating valuable businesses that matter. 

In addition to his client work, Brent is an outspoken advocate for the region, and serves as an advisor to community, faith and business organizations who endeavor to create a better future for everyone who lives here. With a bias toward provoking new ways of seeing the world and taking action to change it, Brent is a sought-after keynote speaker and is regularly featured in regional and national publications. 

Brent has oriented his life around helping people create conditions for their success and is the creator of the personal development company Purpose Practiced. He is frequently invited to lecture on the topic of purpose, community and leadership, and uses his personal transformation experience as a place from which to mentor others through personal and professional change.

Brent can be reached at:

Bring an open mind and an open heart. And have a favorite beverage on-hand to enjoy a virtual toast! 

Wednesday, January 20, 2021
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Photography by Mike Marques

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