Create More Successful Recruiting and Onboarding Experiences
Register NowWe invite you to register for our April 5 Delivering Purpose-Driven Performance Info Session which will outline our all-new course, Create More Successful Recruiting and Onboarding Experiences, which is geared to assist anyone responsible for hiring essential talent and ensuring a lasting connection with your company. This course will show you how to shift the story and experience you and your company is offering—to attract, hire, and onboard top talent consistently and successfully.
By leading with invitations centered on purpose and provocative possibility, and designing and creating unique and authentic experiences that live up to them, you can more effectively recruit and onboard the team your company needs now and for its future, and even become known as an aspirational place to work and grow. We’ll review what you’re doing now, and help you create what’s needed to be more effective at attracting and retaining the talent you want at your company. After completing this multi-week course, you will have the knowledge on:
- How to operate as a leader using purpose to achieve greater impact
- Designing and creating a compelling invitation to attract top talent
- How to design an authentic purpose-driven outreach and onboarding experience that becomes an immediate and ongoing competitive advantage in the recruitment process
Join us on April 5 to learn more. And please bring your colleagues and friends. Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/88152639567Meeting ID: 881 5263 9567 One tap mobile+13017158592,,88152639567# US (Washington DC) 13126266799,,88152639567# +US (Chicago) Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kxuMRRLwr