What is the fastest growing health epidemic facing men? Loneliness

  • An authoritative Cigna health study has identified an American “loneliness epidemic.”
  • Another study, by the National Science Foundation, found that one in four Americans said they had no one with whom they could talk about their personal troubles or triumphs.
  • In fact, the Health Resources and Service Administration has warned, “Loneliness is more dangerous than obesity and as damaging to health as smoking 15 cigarettes per day.”
  • Statistics show that this rise in loneliness has hit men the hardest and has a dramatic effect on public health, well-being, social life, and on the economy.

Friendships aren’t just nice to have any more, they are vital to life

The antidote to loneliness is simple, but not easy: robust friendships. Friendship has been a primary value in human life through history – humans are built to connect. Great men have known that behind every great man, there is a true friend. Friends prevent loneliness, offer needed companionship. They also
Increase your sense of belonging and purpose

  • Boost your happiness and reduce stress
  • Improve your self-confidence and self-worth
  • Help you cope with traumas, such as divorce, serious illness, job loss of the death of a loved one
  • Encourage you to change or avoid unhealthy lifestyle habits, such as excessive drinking, lack or exercise, pornography
  • Take the burden off your spouse or partner to be your “best friend” and support you through loneliness-induced depression.
  • 21st-Century American lifestyle works against the Start and Growth of Friendships
  • Technology, including social media, on-demand entertainment, and the 24-hour intrusion of work have removed traditional times and places for friendship
  • Political polarization and the tribalism it has caused have cut in half the population of potential friends;,
  • The sheer pace of American life has interrupted this significant source of community and support.

We Can Help Most by Building Better Paths to Friendship

In this first-of-its-kind event, Dr. Allen Hilton, founder and leader of the House United Movement, and Brent Robertson, Partner at Fathom and Founder of SIP Sessions, will facilitate a workshop where attendees can explore:

  • Building the case for friendship – understanding the current predicament, and forming an argument for the antidote
  • The side-effects of loneliness – Loneliness causes a void that can invite bad behavior and unhealthy activity to try and fill
  • Defining meaningful friendships – what are the attributes of the kind of healthy and meaningful friendships men seek
  • What stands in the way – what are the societal, behavioral, and physical conditions that limit friendships and how to overcome them
  • How to invite friendship – what conditions would invite friendships? How can we create them? Where do they exist already?

If you seek friendship and connection or want to make sure you can maintain the friendships you have, don’t want to miss this workshop event. Attendees should expect to leave this experience with an increased capacity to:

  • Understand how friendships play a critical role in living a healthy and meaningful life
  • Describe, build and sustain the friendships they seek
  • Create or find environments and experiences that encourage friendships
  • Connect with other attendees in a way that can foster lasting friendships


Your Facilitators

About Rev. Dr. Allen R. Hilton, Ph.D.
After helping people build community as a professor at Yale and a pastor in churches across the U.S., Allen now moves all of his energy toward “bringing people together across difference for the common good.” Allen directs his non-profit initiative, House United, and helps organizations collaborate and build community across political difference. His book is A House United — How the Church Can Save the World.


About Brent Robertson
Brent works with leaders to design futures worth fighting for. A partner at Fathom, he champions an approach to leadership, organizational performance and personal fulfillment that prioritizes people, purpose and relationships. As a result, his clients don’t simply plan their futures, they bring them to life through the energy of organization-wide involvement in, and commitment to, generating valuable communities that matter.

Asylum Hill Congregational Church
814 Asylum Ave, Hartford, CT 06105

Saturday October 19th, 8:30am-12pm

Suggested Donation $20.00

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