We play as children, but then we grow up and what happens? At this Sip Session you will explore how to reawaken your inner playful self and give that person a bigger role in your life and work.
We play as children, but then we grow up and what happens? We get bogged down in adult responsibilities and pursuits of ambition. Too many of us run around wearing the Badge of Busy, taking ourselves too seriously, and hiding who we really are in favor of looking good or professional. At this Sip Session you will explore how to reawaken your inner playful self and give that person a bigger role in your life and work. Play can grant you easier access to your creativity, authentic self, and deep courage. Come prepared to laugh, relax, and connect with others in new ways that will nourish your spirit and energize you.
Jenny Drescher is a founding partner at The Bolder Company. Bolder helps individuals and organizations accelerate and grow by strengthening the communication and relationship skills that drive success.
It’s summer! Wear your play clothes and be ready to move!
Bring an open mind and an open heart. And if you wish, a beverage to sip and share.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Greenbox Interior Solutions Showroom
51 Vredendale Avenue
Hartford, CT, 06106
United States
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