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Register nowWhat might happen if we allowed our unseemly bits to be seen?
One of the hazards of being human is the inexpert programming we receive from infancy about how to be, who to be, and what to be. Yet, inevitably, when we can’t live up to those unrealistic standards, it’s the perfect set up for us to feel fundamentally flawed, lacking, and broken.
Some of us have bought into this narrative more than others, but even for those of us who like to think we’re confident and self-aware, the prickle of unworthiness can still creep in through the cracks.
Join Jess to explore how this thing called unworthiness meddles in our lives. What dark corners does it banish us to? How does it call the shots without us even realizing it? Why do we feel powerless to beat it at its own game? What might be waiting for us on the other side of it? And how can we reclaim our power together?
About Jess Paré
As a self-proclaimed “Compassion Ambassador”, Jess Paré is on a mission to remind and re-educate humanity about the essential practice of self-compassion. In our culture of high achievement and continuous improvement, many of us have learned to be extremely hard on ourselves. Jess believes that we are all inherently worthy without needing to improve or change a thing about ourselves, and she is driven by this belief to remind others (and herself!) to accept ourselves just as we are, to extend kindness to ourselves in moments of suffering, and to develop an active practice of self-love.
Jess is an avid hiker, bibliophile, life coach, speaker, instructional designer, and world traveler (in non-COVID times). To learn more about Jess, follow Blue Mountain Life Coaching on Facebook or connect with her on LinkedIn.
Bring an open mind and an open heart. And have a beverage on-hand to enjoy a virtual toast! (and because we love our mother, your own re-usable cup or glass).
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
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