Our bodies respond to mental images as if they are reality.

Therefore, our imaginations are a powerful part of (and influence on) our every day.

Imagination is not something you “have” or “don’t.” It’s not something you “lose” when you become an adult. Imagination is like a muscle, like the iris of the eye is, contracting and relaxing to focus your view for distance.

In this conversation, we will explore the facts surrounding human imagination, and its possibilities. And you will each stretch your minds, work this unique muscle, and discover unique and personal images that you will take back with you into your life.

REMINDER: Bring an open mind, something to sip on that relaxes you, and some simple supplies: preferably blank white paper, and at least three colored pencils/pens/markers/crayons/chalk, etc.

Matt is an Associate Partner with Fathom, a future design firm. Through Fathom, he helps leaders, teams, and communities make space for the real-world expression of imagination. In one current project, Catalyst for the Arts, imagined in partnership with the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving and CO:Lab/Free Center, he is forming a cohort of Hartford-region arts leaders to strengthen individual organizations, connect the arts community, and expand its influence and reach.

Matt has also helped some of the world’s biggest brands imagine future products (future razors for Gillette, future robots for iRobot).

Matt makes images and music (dreamingwheel.com) and has pursued professional explorations in the arts sector— as part of an executive leadership team, as a curator, and as host of an arts-interview radio show on WPKN.


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Photography and video by Mike Marques of Arbor Light Studio