Are we polarized because we are being manipulated, pushed and pulled by algorithms, political agendas and fake news, or are we getting lost in our own internal translation? 

Do you seek to confirm what you already know? Have you ever had an argument with a loved one, a co-worker, or a friend? Was the fight over a misunderstanding of facts or interpretations and perceptions? Were you able to repair the rupture created by the conflict? In this Sip Session, Author and Life Coach Angela Silva Mendes will lead a conversation in which we will reflect on the roles we all play in our many identities, and how external forces may have a role in developing those personas. 

Considering we all have some power; Self-awareness becomes the key to use this power when dealing with the inevitability of change. During this Sip Session we will explore how we all dance with the paradoxes of our inner and outer worlds, and how self-awareness is a fluid act of seeing, recognizing, and discerning what can be used to repair, integrate, and connect.  

Join us for a chance to turn inward and recognize the ways that our blind spots can interfere in the way we receive the world. 

About Angela

Angela Silva Mendes believes that self-work, based on embodied awareness, is a crucial vehicle for social justice. Her diverse academic background includes bachelor’s degrees in education, communication theories, and a master’s in international affairs. Guided by her desire to serve and her thirst for meaning, Angela also holds a range of personal development certificates including neurolinguistics programming, mindfulness, and coaching. Honoring her African heritage, Angela named her life coaching business and practice Upanji, meaning energy, a space of acceptance, holding what arises, and integration. With work experience in Europe, Africa, and the US, Angela coaches, facilitates, and teaches internationally through individual sessions, workshops, and talks.

In Angela’s book ‘Getting There by Being Here’ she shares her struggles as well as four principles and eight practices for us to develop the ability to rest here, for this is the moment of all possibilities. It is possible to slow down and listen to what is unique about ourselves to what she calls our ‘Selfprint.’ If we want to rewrite our story, we can only do it from here and with who we are already. Life’s invitations are not always pleasant but now, instead of dismissing or fleeing, we can dare to face the music and dance.

Connect with Angela at:, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram

Photography by Michael Marques. 

Bring an open mind and an open heart. And have a favorite beverage on hand to enjoy a virtual toast.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

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