Watch Fox 61’s This began a 30-year journey as foster parents to 10 children. Over three decades they’ve learned many lessons. One of them, completely unexpected, was learning how language and reality are interwoven acts of creation.

Mel looks forward to sharing the experience with you and learning what you see.

Sip Sessions on Fox 61

Watch Brent and Mel speak with FOX61 Morning News anchor Keith McGilvery about Future Design and the discussion Mel will lead during his Sip Session.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

967D Farmington Avenue,
West Hartford, CT 06107

About Mel
Mel is driven by a life-long curiosity about what it takes to lead breakthrough outcomes. Mel is fascinated by the act of leadership. He sees leading as a unique self-expression – an artful expression, one that can’t be taught, but can be learned. This interest has resulted in the research and refinement of methods to develop leadership through real-time, on-the-job experiences.

Learn more about Mel